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Everybody has woken up, pulled off your satin cap and realized your hair is a mess! Yes, we’ve been there before too. Some days our hair just will not cooperate with the hairstyle that we did a couple of days ago. Or, our product mixture was not the right choice for the hairstyle. You could have an important meeting, presentation or even a first date. Ever heard of murphy’s law? Hence, we have to be prepped and ready at all times for those bad days.


1] Sleeping with Satin – The prep for the night before is crucial to maintaining your hairstyle for the week ahead. So, every night before you dose off into dream world ensure that you are either sleeping:
 - with a satin bonnet or scarf,
 - with a satin scrunchie around your pineapple,
 - on a satin pillowcase or sheet.

 The satin aids in keeping the moisture in your hair strands to prevent moisture loss and preserve the length of the hairstyle.

2] Satin Scrunchies Should Be in Your Bags – On the days when your wash and go or twist/braid out fails, a bun or ponytail will have to do. Instead of using a plastic or cotton scrunchie, use a satin scrunchie. The satin scrunchie will aid in keeping your bun/ponytail sleek without harming the health of your hair. The satin will not crease your hair or withdraw the moisture or sheen that you added to it.

3] Bring Your Edge Control And Toothbrush – And for the bun or ponytail, you will need to slay those baby hairs. Hence, you have to bring your edge control or toothbrush on hand always. It is perfect for these bad hair days where your edges need sprucing up. You would just head to the bathroom at school, work, or wherever you are and lay those baby hairs to the Gods.


4] Grab A Hat - And if you don’t have your toothbrush and edge control on deck, you should at least have your hats. Hats are a great alternative to hide your edges if you’re insecure about them. Or, put them on if you’re lazy to do your edges today. Ensure to have them in every color so that you have a headband that will fit every color outfit that you may be wearing.




 5] Bobby Pins Are Your Missing Best Friend – Yes, we’re aware that bobby pins will go missing so you must have at least a pack on hand. There will be days when bobby pins are your best friends because they will be used for your bun, ponytail, or even creating a new hairstyle. So, head down to the beauty supply store and get you a pack and keep it in your bag, you can even go for a blinged out or purl bobby pin. 

 We always want our hair to look good so we have to be prepped for those bad and even good days. Doing all of these tips will keep your hair looking “good” even on a bad day.


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