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How To Maintain Your Natural Hair During The Winter

The colder months are upon us which usually means for our curls hydration, hydration, HYDRATION.

As we've mentioned before hydration is key for every natural.
Not only does it keep your curls hydrated, it allows your styles to last longer, your hair to be shinier as well for you to retain your length.

Remember we spoke about hydration vs moisture in our previous blog post.
The information stills remains true as both are important to our hair journey.
And they do work hand in hand together, especially in the colder months.

During this time, the air is very cold.
And sometimes dry depending on which side of the world you reside.
This makes your hair susceptible to breakage because the moisture is being taken from your hair. And as such, it usually leaves the hair leaving dry, prone to tangles, knots and so much.

So we have to keep your curls hydrated at all time.
So during the winter, you usually change up your natural hair routine.

Here's what you will need:

1. Gentle Cleansers - The temperature is already cold which is harsh on our hair. SO you want to use gentle cleansers that will deeply cleansing the hair shaft of product build up and will maintain the natural sebum of your hair. We recommend the Tailored Beauty Clay Detox Shampoo Bar or the Tailored Beauty Coconut Creme Shampoo.   Both of which are made with cleansing ingredients that will retain the natural oils of your hair.



2. Heavy Deep Conditioners - Heavy deep conditioners are rich in creams, oils and emollients. These are able to penetrate the hair shaft to impart hydration to your hair strands to keep them curly. As well as, impart protein needed to repair broken strands and/or strengthen the hair strand. So you have to choose a deep conditioner that is rich in quality ingredients that you can identify. If it has a lot of alcohols, it won't give your hair the hydration needed for the winter. We recommend the Tailored Beauty Moisture Penetrating Deep Conditioner. It is rich in your favorite ayurvedic ingredients, oils, creams and other plant based ingredients that will melt into your curls.




3. Gentle Butters/Creams - Next up is heavy butters. I know the natural hair community causes us to shy away from using heavy butters because they can weigh down the hair. However, during this season you need the "Weight". The butters are rich in emollients which trap the water molecules from your leave in conditioner, water or moisturizing mist. The butter will keep the hydration locked in as it has no weigh of escaping. We recommend the Tailored Beauty Everything Butter. And, it can even double up as a "moisturizer" for your skin. 

4. Satin Lined Caps - And finally is satin lined hair caps. Now I know what you're thinking that this isn't a product. And you're right it's just a hair tool. This doesn't take away from the significance of it on our winter natural hair regimen. Do not forget to sleep with your satin lined caps. They keep the moisture in and the cold air out as we rest throughout the ngiht. And if during the winter, you may be stuck inside your house just keep it on. 

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