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4 Mistakes You're Making On Wash Day

 Wash days are a very important day in any natural ahir regimen.
It's the day we reset and renew our natural hair for the upcoming week.
On wash days, just like any natural you are trying to do all the necessary steps in an efficient time and effective manner. So we don't want to miss any steps or mess up which can wreak havoc on our hair.

Here are 4 Mistakes You're Making On Wash Day:

1] Deep Conditioning More Than Necessary

Each deep conditioner is formulated with specific products to achieve your hair goal. It can be for moisture, strength, repair, renew and even to restore elasticity.  Each product has a specific time for you to keep it in your hair. Therefore, you shouldn't try to 'overdo' it. If the product says 30 minutes, keeping it in for 60 minutes will not do anything for your hair. Deep conditioners are formulated to be as effective int he specific time period that is written on the instructions.

So don't be thinking means more nourishment, it means more time being wasted.

Our Tailored Beauty Moisture Penetrating Deep Conditioning Treatment is perfect for you. It is formulated with a premium herbal blend of Fenugreek Powder and Bhringaraj Oil. This conditioner has the right amount of slip and nutrients to reduce breakage, restore and renew the health of your hair. Let the deep conditioner penetrate for 15 minutes with a plastic cap.  

2] Not sectioning your Hair

Whether you are cleansing, conditioning and deep conditioning your hair, always use sections. Sections allow you to keep your coils/curls from being knotted and tangles. As well as with the sections, you're able to spread the product evenly along each and every hair strand. 

You can section your hair using section clips or scrunchies.
The sections will keep your hair trained so it's easier to detangle.
As well as it is easier to style after rinsing out your conditioner and deep conditioner.

3] You don't  apply your leave-in conditioner right after

Before you head out of the bathroom or remove yourself from the kitchen sink, apply your leave-in conditioner. It is best to apply your leave-in conditioner on soaken wet hair. The product will be better able to absorb into the hair shaft.

Our Tailored Beauty Moisture Penetrating Leave-In Conditioner is perfect for your wash days. Our Moisture Penetrating Leave-In Conditioner Treatment contains a premium herbal blend of Gotu Kola Extract and Neem Oil to restore moisture and awaken hair. This leave-in treatment strengthens strands, keeps hair manageable, and makes detangling a breeze.


4] Not Sealing Your Hair With Oils

After you apply leave in conditioner, ensure to seal in the hydration using an oil. The oil will seal in the hydration molecules from the leave in conditioner. Sealing makes moisture harder to leave your hair so it's your hair can stay moisturized for longer.

Our Tailored Beauty Grow Thick Oil is the perfect your sealant. The oil is lightweight so it will not weigh down your curls. As well as, it is easy to apply from root to tips.

Add a few drops to your hair and coat using the praying hands method.

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